Solar Witch
Surgical Utopian Love
The Lost Wisdom of Wolves
Burning Kingdom Of Now
Hungry Ghosts
Sub Lilith Tunnels
The Mind Of The Sun
Thantifaxath’s second full-length Hive Mind Narcosis is not only a giant leap for the band, but also for contemporary extreme metal as a whole. From its very first notes, there is a feeling of transcendence beyond genre… beyond its scene and peers.
Previously dubbed avant-garde black metal, Thantifaxath surpasses such mundane press-tags, instead conjuring forth an expansive, discordant, and mind-altering brew that’s never just black, thrash, death, or doom metal psychedelia.
Recorded entirely in-house by the band, Thantifaxath have tailored their sound to crushing perfection – a production so immense the listener daren’t move until the bitter end. Just like its music, Hive Mind Narcosis is a lyrical blend of two mutually conflicting ideals: “The album has two levels working in dichotomy with one another. On one level there is a strong resistance to something, and on the other there is a total acceptance of that same thing. Beyond that, we leave it open to your interpretation.”
In every truly pioneering band’s career there is a moment when they set themselves apart from the pack and become an island. For Thantifaxath, Hive Mind Narcosis is that album.