As It Is.
Process is the End; the Final Ending of the world of men. It is the
agent of the End, the instrument of the End and the inexorable Power of
the End."
-Robert De Grimston, 1967

"The Unification Tour" EUROPE 2013
with Saturnalia Temple
8.4.2013 Stockholm, SW
With Hexvessel
10.4.2013 Turku, FI – Klubi
11.04.2013 Helsinki, FI – Kuudes Linja
12.04.2013 Oulu, FI – Nuclear Nightclub
13.04.2013 Jyväskylä, FI – Lutakko
15.04.2013 Warshaw, PL – Harenda
16.04.2013 TBA. PL
17.04.2013 Hamburg, GER – Hafenklang
18.04.2013 Berlin, GER – Cassiopeia
19.04.2013 Tilburg, NL – Roadburn Festival
13.04.2013 Jyväskylä, FI – Lutakko
15.04.2013 Warshaw, PL – Harenda
16.04.2013 TBA. PL
17.04.2013 Hamburg, GER – Hafenklang
18.04.2013 Berlin, GER – Cassiopeia
19.04.2013 Tilburg, NL – Roadburn Festival
So Be It!
Sabbath Assembly